Sacramento City’s redistricting process is over, and Land Park is now part of a new District 7 for the next ten years. Here are some final thoughts on the work and outcome of the redistricting process.

As an official “Community of Interest,” or COI, we were at the table with the Sacramento Independent Redistricting Committee (SIRC)  representing Land Park. Board member and Land Use Chair Kirk Vyverberg attended meetings and collaborated with other neighborhood “Parks” groups.

Throughout the City’s redistricting process, we asked you to participate. As the LPCA Communications Chair, I posted information on our website, social media, and the membership emailing list. We were far from silent and did our best to inform and engage our community. Thank you to those who took up the challenge and let the SIRC know your thoughts and feelings!

To be clear, the LPCA advocated for “Map B,” which came in second with the SIRC.  Map B aligned the neighborhoods of Land Park, Upper Land Park, South Land Park, Curtis Park, Oak Park, and Hollywood Park. Our board thought this would be a more racially and economically “balanced” district.  A letter submitted along with the Sierra Curtis Neighborhood Association made several other requests. Here is the letter: Redistricting Support Map B Modified

In the end, the SIRC chose to go with “Map A” and align the Land Parks with Curtis Park and Pocket-Greenhaven. This final map is not what we advocated for, and we realize many Sacramento citizens may be disappointed in the outcome.  The democratic process doesn’t usually allow any group to get everything they want. Now, the LPCA’s goal is to build relationships with every neighborhood in District 7 and beyond.  Finding new ways to work together is how we plan to move forward in 2022.

Effective immediately, Rick Jennings is Land Park’s new city council representative. We are eager to partner with Councilman Jennings and reaching out to him and his staff right now. We hope he can attend our community meetings and collaborate with us.  The LPCA looks forward to a positive and productive relationship with our new councilmember in 2022.

Kristina Rogers

Vice President & Communications Chair

Land Park Community Association

2021 – 2022

To view Sacramento City’s new district map: Sac Redistrict Map Adopted 12-16-21

Sacramento City’s SIRC page;

To view the recently published article in the Land Park News on this topic (12/23/21) click here;

Sacramento County’s redistricting process occurred around the same time. To view the new Sacramento County district map go here: Sac County Supervisors New Districts

Patrick Kennedy remains as Land Parks County Supervisor: