In 2010 neighbors noticed how the recession affected the maintenance and care of Land Park. Budgets were cut and the park suffered. After a call out to the community and some successful fundraising, the Land Park Volunteer Corps was born.
From March through November, volunteers meet on the first Saturday to help maintain the park. Tools and gloves are provided to trim bushes, clean out ponds, pick up trash and rack up debris. Meet up times normally begin at 8:o0 am or 9:00 am and end at 11:30 am. Check the events section for specific months.
If you are ready to help our beautiful park you are welcome to attend!
- Youth groups and students can receive credit for volunteer hours.
- Coffee and pastries are available in the morning.
- Water provided throughout the day
- A hearty lunch is included
- Did we mention it’s great exercise?
Look for the next LPVC cleanup day and join your neighbors!

Land Park Volunteer Corps Details
Contact: Craig Powell, Lead Coordinator
Phone: 916 718-3030
Donations: Land Park Volunteer Corps, 3053 Freeport Blvd., #231, Sacramento, CA 95818
Picnic Grounds Behind Fairytale Town
3901 Land Park Dr.
Sacramento, CA 95822 United States + Google Map
Article about Land Park Volunteer Corps.: