It’s Sacramento City Budget Season Again.
If you are concerned about the level of the city’s core services, you may want to find out what services are on the chopping block that will impact you. The city is at a $44 million deficit, they will be making cuts.
The LPCA is focused on advocating for core services to be left intact this year. That includes fire, police, parks and maintenance. All the basics everyone expects their city to provide. The citizens are already feeling the impact of previous cuts to these core services.
Presentations by Sacramento Fire, Sacramento PD and the Dept. of Community Response were all given at the March 18th 2pm City Council Meeting. Inform yourself and find out what police have on the table to cut this coming year. Possible cuts include day and night traffic enforcement, gang investigations, SWAT and POP teams.
To view the full presentations and learn where all cuts are being considered go to:
Did you know there are over 526,000 citizens in Sacramento, yet the calls for service to Sac PD last year were over 642,000. That’s about 1.5 calls per every adult in Sacramento. Did everyone in Sac call the police last year? Of course not, but those who did, seemed to need them a lot!
Measure U was voted on in 2018 and intended to replenish Fire, Police and Parks budgets. That is the permanent 1% sales tax. Sacramento City has provided a dashboard for the community to review. It is designed to be transparent about Measure U money and where the dollars are going;
To learn more about Measure U, go to the city page at:
This is a new mayor and city council. They are ready to hear your questions and ideas about the city budget!
Find your city council representative and mayor at: