Events committee
Including A Taste of Land Park CommitteeLPCA Events Committee Brings our Community Together!
The Events Committee manages LPCA-hosted events like the Easter Egg Hunt and Membershp BBQ. We partner with our City Council Representative to bring other fun events like Movie Night and National Night Out. The events committee can also collaborate with the membership committee to host fundraisers. Finally, our LPCA events committee can organize an LPCA table at neighborhood block parties and other fun community celebrations. This committee requires creative, organized people. Team players who can commit to their role. We are open to new ideas to improve neighborhood engagement.
The Events Committee team is responsible for planning, organizing, staffing, and supervising LPCA events. Other LPCA members can be recruited to support these efforts.
Taste of Land Park
Since 2020, our yearly fundraiser “A Taste of Land Park” has taken a backseat due to funding and limited resources. If neighbors would like to work with the events committee to revive this popular event by leading it, the LPCA welcomes this! The Events Committee Chair may be the chair/coordinator of the A Taste of Land Park or may ask the President to appoint a chair.
Annually, the Events Committee submits a schedule of LPCA events for the forthcoming year to the Board for approval. At least four annual LPCA events should be on the calendar, this can include A Taste of Land Park (aka: ATOLP). This committee requires creative, organized people who can commit to their role.
The events committee collaborates with local businesses and organizations to create enjoyable moments that build community connections, fundraise, and spark interest in the LPCA.
If you are interested in joining the Events Committee, please fill out the attached form: LPCA Events Committee Application 2022
The Events Committee meets as needed. For upcoming meeting information, check the LPCA Event Calendar.
Contact for more information or if you’d like to join.