Get Involved in Your Community
Discover how you can help make our William Land Park neighborhood the BEST place to live in Sacramento!
Call us a “neighborhood association” or “neighborhood organization,” either way, our Land Park Community Association is as active as the people who volunteer with us.
Have an idea for a great community event? Join the Events Committee and make it happen. Do you see issues impacting the quality of life in the park and neighborhood? Come to one of our LPCA community meetings and talk about it. Want to support local businesses and non-profits that serve the Land Park area? This is the place for you.

LPCA is run by Volunteers like YOU
Below are the many ways you can make a difference in our community:
- Become an LPCA Member – Sign up and you will be part of our mailing list and receive special discounts on LPCA events
- Join the Grants Team – Help our Grants Committee vet deserving groups and donate to their causes
- Attend an LPCA Meeting – Listen to our speakers and topics. Share your ideas and opinions.
- Donate – Donations go to LPCA events and projects our Land Park neighborhood benefits from.
- Attend a Land Park Volunteer Corps. Clean Up Day – Neighbors and youth groups gather once a month to maintain and beautify our park.
- Reach Out to Us For More Ways to Connect – If you are doing good works in our neighborhood and would like to talk to us about a possible collaboration, contact us at We support other non-profits and groups volunteering their time to make our community better.
If you have a particular talent or passion you think would help strengthen our community, consider volunteering with us! It doesn’t matter if you’ve lived in Land Park for one year or, a lifetime.