When we hear topics that are important to Land Park neighbors, we post them. The LPCA is dedicated to providing informational meetings and guest speakers to our community. We also understand other neighborhood associations have important conversations too and we can learn from their discussions.


Here is a very informative meeting hosted by the Mangan Park Neighborhood Association. The discussion included homeless outreach services when people call in. The Department of Community Response (DCR) Ben Worrell spoke about their services. Our county supervisor Patrick Kennedy also discussed the merging of city and county homeless services and how to report homeless encampments and behavior moving forward.  Here’s the full video:


Some details from the meeting:


The City of Sacramento has over 500,000 people currently living within its boundaries.


The February 2022 Homeless Point in Time (PIT) count of around 9,200 people is thought to be far under the current number of homeless in Sacramento.  Homeless advocates in Sacramento currently estimate there are over 22,000 homeless people in the City of Sacramento. That means that somewhere between 2-4% of our City’s population is homeless.


When we report homeless encampments to the City of Sacramento’s 311 website, our reports will go to one of two agencies

  1. If the report concerns a park or a trail, the report goes to the Park Rangers
  2. If the report concerns anywhere but a park or trail, it goes to the Department of Community Response (DCR).


SacPD’s Impact Team does not respond to initial 311 reports about homeless encampments – DCR and Park Rangers need to make contact first.


The County is gearing up to provide more services to the homeless, and some of our 311 homeless reporting will be transferred to the County’s 211 system.


The following links about County homeless services may be helpful:


  1. a)  2022 PIT Count website by Sacramento Steps Forward


  1. b) The March 10,2023 Presentation of the Sacramento Homeless Policy Council at: