What did Land Park Community Association accomplish in 2022? Despite the challenges around the pandemic recovery, quite a lot! Here are a few things:

  • Support the Land Park Volunteer Corps monthly park clean up
  • Work with Parks department and review possible solutions and upgrades around park issues.
  • Host informational community meetings:*
    • Topics included: Eco-friendly resources and tips, public safety discussions, homeless discussions, William Land Park discussions
  • Frequent website and social media updates
  • Provide a monthly informational e-newsletter
  • Supported Lowrider NYD event to encourage a safer, better experience for all.
  • Civic Engagement – invited speakers and representatives to our meetings. Meet with city and county representatives as needed on topics of interest.
  • Land Use – collaborate with Sacramento city planning dept. and other representatives to support smart solutions around the future of the city.
  • Supported school events on our social media
  • Hosted and Supported local events
    • The Govan 4th of July parade
    • Easter egg hunt and hat parade (with Rick Jennings Team)
    • Summer Movie and food truck night (with Rick Jennings Team)
    • Ugly Sweater Meet & Greet

We are proud of what we were able to accomplish with a small board.  The LPCA is currently reviewing projects and events for 2023. If you are interested in supporting our efforts, or have a particular passion or project that would be a good fit, feel free to reach out to us at: