Last week Sacramento City Council passed the Sacramento City Budget, which included the support of new tools, resources and staff for our Police Department. Although the majority of city council members approved this budget, some voted against and were not happy with the outcome. It’s important to note Howard Chan’s city budget was considered “controversial” by some. The vote came to 7 Approved and, 2 Opposed. To review the votes and listen to all public comments on the police budget, including city council members, please click on this archived video link and scroll down to Item #23:

The LPCA is committed to working with our South Command PD lead, Sargent Vance Chandler and his team. This collaboration includes sharing monthly police reports and crime data with all of you. We appreciate Sargent Chandlers’ quick responses to our calls and the time he takes to attend our meetings. We consider our peace officers to be part of the solution to crime in our neighborhoods and will continue to work with them to remain true to our mission statement:

Our District 4 Councilperson is Katie Valenzuela. If you would like to contact her and her team about her vote regarding the city budget, feel free to reach out to her and her staff at:

More Links of Interest:


June 16, 2021 response to the budget vote by the SPOA: SPOA BUDGET RESPONSE 6-16-21

June 2021 crime report by Sacramento PD South Command: Adam Green Police Update June 2021

Sacramento City 2021- 20211Budget: 5PM_Item_23_-_FY202122_Operating_Budget_and_2021-2026_Capital_Improvement_Program_PDF-8427_KB



 June 2021 video from the Sacramento Police Department about the rise in crime go to:

 Chief Hahn’s presentation about Police Budget (Item #22  at 1:30 video time) May 25, 2021 City Council:

Chief Hahn’s report to Sacramento City Council on January 20th about violence during protests, Antifa, and the impact to police resources:

Chief Hahn discussion about gun violence in Sacramento:

Police offering services to homeless and cleaning up Alhambra by W/X corridor. Another job required of law enforcement: