
5G Network Neighborhood Installation

5G Network Neighborhood Installation

Areas of concern:

Since the City of Sacramento has allowed the Verizon buildout of physical infrastructure to proceed as a “utility easement,” can other telecom’s (AT&T, Sprint, T Mobile, etc.) claim the same right of easement access and thus proliferate these physical features throughout Land Park?

Are there health concerns for humans and pets related to the physical proximity of these 5G features attached to poles? From the warning signs that accompany them that would appear to be the case. How serious is the health threat to humans and animals? Would it be wise to invoke a moratorium on a 5G rollout until the federal Communications Commission updates its Health Safety Review of 5G technology as requested of the European Union Commission by over 180 scientists and doctors in 36 countries?

Can the LUC obtain complete maps of both SMUD and City owned poles proposed for 5G Attachments to help gauge the density of this infrastructure and the corresponding neighborhood visual impacts? What has been built to date and what is the future Verizon rollout schedule?

Can a process be developed through neighborhood review to set some aesthetic standards for 5G infrastructure attachments, plus requiring dismantling unused and outdated technology from the SMUD poles?

Can SMUD establish a more realistic 5G annual pole attachment fee than the $16.63 fee negotiated set for 2019 that does not apparently include contributions to aging pole replacement costs.

Can the coming 5G buildout be used to leverage improvements, or better yet undergrounding, of existing and aged telephone poles? Apparently, the answer is “no” on City owned poles, but what about SMUD owned poles?

What process can be developed to give neighborhood (LPCA for Land Park, but this should apply City-wide) a seat at the table during the process to approve and rollout this advancing technology. Understanding, of course that true neighborhood involvement is not desired by the telecom industry and that they are favoring state and Federal preemption of this type of involvement.

Can we coordinate our efforts with other neighborhood associations?