Land Park Clean Up Day

Okay all you kitties, it's time to put on those work boots and get your gardening gear on! The LPVC […]

2022 Doggy Dash is Here!

Last year around 1,600 dogs and their people attended the virtual event. They raised over $165,000! Although that’s an incredible […]

Purple Stride for PanCan April 30th

The nationwide run for Pancreatic Cancer is scheduled for April 30th and William Land Park is participating. The event will […]

NAMI Walks May 7th

The annual NAMI Walks event will be in William Land Park on May 7th from 8am - 12pm. Support mental […]

Day of the Kids Festival

Dia del Ninos, or Day of the Kids Festival is open to the public. Location: Land Park Village Green May […]