At the Sacramento City Council meeting Thursday night (June 27th, 2023), Agenda Item #28 provided a five-year update report on Park Development Impact Fees (PDIF). The report (attached) shows the amount of revenue gained from development and housing. Moving forward, there are many new residential developments planned along the Broadway corridor adjacent to the Land Park neighborhood and along the Freeport corridor. Those developments will bring  new residents looking for recreational opportunities, and those opportunities will come from using William Land Regional Park.

The park impact fees are a one-time allocation, and if not immediately secured, will disappear forever.    As is seen on page 5 of the report, only parks designated “neighborhood” and ‘community” fully participate in PDIF funding. Wm. Land Park (WLP) is designated a ‘regional” park, so it is almost entirely out of that funding process.

The LPCA’s Parks Committee is working to change the designation of William Land Regional Park to a “community” park as well as a “regional” park in order to receive PDIF fees for new residential development. If this happens, what does this mean for Land Park? An opportunity to better serve a larger population while retaining the quality of life in the park by allocating more money towards the maintenance, upgrades and care of the park.

The Land Park Community Association, led by the Parks Committee, sent a letter to City Council to advocate for this positive change to the parks designation: Park impact fees ltr 2023.06.27

If you love our park and would like to support these efforts, stay in touch and attend our meetings.

If you would like to join the Parks Committee, reach out to us at:

City Council Meeting Agenda Item #28: Park Impact Fees & Report City Council 6-27-23

Sacramento Business Journal Article May 2022: Broadway Development SBJ May 20-26 2022